Vaccination Calculation
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The National Cancer Society of Malaysia is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing support to cancer patients and their families, as well as educating the public about cancer prevention and early detection. One of our priorities is HPV vaccination, which has proven to be an effective strategy in preventing some types of HPV-related cancers. To date, we have provided a large number of vaccinations across the country, protecting many people from the disease.

Number of Direct Vaccinations
0 +

The "Leaving No One Behind: Eradicating Cervical Cancer in Malaysia" programme aims to implement an HPV vaccination programme for underprivileged girls through the involvement of every 222 parliamentary constituencies across Malaysia. For the most up-to-date information on the programme, please refer to the map below.

Vaccination by Polling Zone

The colors blue, yellow and green indicate the current status of the vaccination programme in the area.

Blue: Briefing session finished

Yellow: Awareness and education sessions have been conducted

Green: Vaccination programme completed